Leadership happens in meetings

Leadership happens in meetings

A lot of people complain to me about meetings, both leaders and employees.

My response is: Maybe your meetings suck.

As a leader, it’s your job to get good at running and participating in them. Meetings are when you’re in front of others. Meetings are one of the places where leadership happens.

Patrick Lencioni says the first thing leaders can do to improve meetings is realize that there are four reasons to have a meeting. We try and throw a bunch of different kinds of meetings into one and wonder why they don’t go so well.

According to Lencioni, the four reasons for a meeting are:

  1. To catch up

  2. To “move the ball down the field”

  3. To get the bigger picture strategy

  4. To do a culture check-in

As a leader, it’s your responsibility to make meetings effective, and you can start by being intentional about the purpose of each meeting so they’re focused and productive.

Adapted from Death By Meeting, By Patrick Lencioni


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