How to be more introverted

How to be more introverted

How many articles and posts have you seen helping introverts become more extroverted?

Well, how about a post on how to be more quiet and reflective? Seems to me more people could use such a post, so here we go…

3 steps to communicate like a thoughtful introvert

Try all three today, and you’ll become a deeper thinker, a more empathetic person, and more self-aware.

Step 1: Start by listening

Listening first helps the other person feel heard, and helps you understand their needs before expressing your own. And listening isn’t just being quiet when someone else is speaking. A sleeping person can do that. Listen well, and your relationships will be better for it.

Step 2: Think before responding

Confident Communicators pause before speaking. They breathe, to check in with themselves, to get grounded, and to respond thoughtfully, rather than react like a reflexive bundle of nerves.

Step 3: Speak with intent

In Crucial Conversations, we learn that the two criteria for safety in a conversation are mutual objectives and mutual respect. Refocusing your intent on mutual objectives will make any conversation easier and more enjoyable for both parties.

If you want another tactic to harness the power of reflection, check out the simple Me > You > Us process.

…especially you extroverts, out there.


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