The side you talk to

We all have two sides. 

First is the reactive side that is closed, protective, defensive, immature. This side has a need to be seen as invulnerable.  

Then there’s the open, philosophical, accepting, inquisitive, mature side. This side is OK with vulnerability. 

The side of the other person that you chose to talk to is the side you’ll be in conversation with. 

If you come down on them…”What were you thinking???” Guess which side you’ll get. You’ll get the reactive, “You don’t understand!” version of that person.

If you talk to the mature side, the open and accepting side, you’re more likely to have a mature, open conversation. 

You can’t change people, but you can influence them, and it has everything to do with the way that YOU show up.


Why you’re not being heard


Open with gratitude, mutual objectives, and vulnerability