Get clarity and buyin - part 2

In the previous 2 Minute Tip we talked about the importance of getting clarity around decisions. Today, we’ll talk about how to get buy-in, even from people who disagree with the decision.

Patrick Lencioni, the author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team has said, “Unless people have a chance to weigh in, they’re not going to buy in.”

How do you get buy-in from someone who disagrees with a decision?

Make sure they feel heard.

Actually listen to their objections and ideas.

Consider it, even if you yourself know it’s not right. You’re building trust.

Only then should you give them the reason you’re going in a different direction.

You could say something like: “I hear you, and you have some good points…and here’s why we are going in a different direction.”

Being understood and contributing are both basic human needs.

Give them a chance to weigh in, and they’ll be more likely to buy in.


If you’re a D-Style leader, here’s what your team is really thinking


Get clarity and buyin - part 1