10 icebreaker questions

10 icebreaker questions

I go to a lot of meetings. Sometimes, the well-intentioned meeting organizer, who wants to build rapport and trust in the group, has people “answer a question about themselves.” Too often, though, these are superfluous questions, like:

  • What did you do last weekend?

  • What show are you watching now?

  • What’s something you learned recently?

Missed opportunity.

The foundation of all teams is trust, and more specifically, the ability to be vulnerable with each other.

In our 5 Behaviors of Cohesive Team workshops, we take teams through many trust-building exercises.

You can build trust within a group with deeper questions, questions that helps people “rumble with vulnerability” as Brené Brown says.

Here are a few:

  1. What's your most important project this month and what are your concerns about it?

  2. Who has had the biggest influence on your life, and why?

  3. If you really knew me, you would know that _________.

  4. What personal development skills are you working on right now?

  5. What’s something you want to ask but are afraid to?

  6. If you walked into a room with everyone you’ve ever met, who would you go looking for?

  7. What’s the thing you regret the most?

  8. How would you describe the most beautiful thing in the world?

  9. What’s the most admirable aspect of human nature? The worst?

  10. What does Living In The Moment mean to you?

If have any good questions that help people understand each other on a deeper level by being vulnerable, let me know.



Hearing does not mean answering


Words are inadequate