What to say to a phone addict

You’re out with a friend, or in a meeting with a colleague, and she's spending time texting other people and taking phone calls. What can you say?

You can follow the Confident Communicator Me>You>Us process.

What do you need in this situation? Companionship? Respect? 

When you know what’s causing your emotions, you’ll know how to express them and ask for that which will make life more enjoyable for you.

“You know, when you take phone calls and text, I get frustrated because I want to spend time with you and catch up / focus on our work. Would you be okay with just turning your phone off and putting it away for the rest of our dinner/meeting?”

You looked her in the eye and said it with a smile. By leaving judgment out of it, you stuck to observable facts. 

Then you expressed your feelings, immediately followed by your needs.

You closed with a clear and specific request, answerable with a yes or no. 

Then, she put away her phone and started talking to you.


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