Pick two

“We need it faster.”

“Add these features.”

“You need to lower the costs.”

If you manage an account, a client, or a project, you probably get requests (and demands) like these all day every day.

If you’re stuck with what to say, just refer them to the Triple Constraint.

The Triple Constraint is not just a concept from project management training, it’s also a truism of life.

Time, Cost, and Quality (Scope) are inextricably linked. Change one, and one or both of the others must change accordingly.

You want it faster?

“Sure. It will cost more.”

You want to add features (higher quality)?

“Sure, we just have to bring on more resources to complete it on time.”

You want a lower price?

“Sure, which features would you like to remove?”

Notice how none of these responses were “It can’t be done.” We said “Yes, but…”

You want it cheap, fast, and high quality?

“How about you pick two?”


5 seconds of guts


Managing up to an analytical boss