Manage up to a dominant boss

One of your biggest work challenges just might be influencing your boss, and getting buy-in for your plans and ideas. This week, the 2 Minute Tip is covering four different approaches to managing up to four different types of bosses. Today, we’ll discuss techniques to influence a dominant boss.

Both what you say and how you say it can have a big impact on getting the resources and support you need. Different people are influenced by different approaches.

In the language of the DiSC® Personality Assessment, bosses with the “D” or Direct Style, tend to be outcome-oriented and somewhat skeptical. They address issues quickly and directly. They focus on the big picture, expect candor, and while competitive, see themselves as problem solvers. They are direct and to the point and take pride in taking charge (or at least being part of the decision-making process).

Here’s how to use this knowledge to your advantage…

Do’s when managing up to a dominant boss

  • Get to the point.

  • Support your proposal with the current or intended results.

  • Demonstrate progress.

  • Make them part of the decision-making process.

  • Act confident, direct, and results-oriented.

Don’t’s when managing up to a dominant boss

  • Don’t chit-chat, ramble on, or hem and haw. They’ll think you’re wasting their time.

  • Don’t come with the decision already made. They like to be “in charge.”

  • Don’t disagree with them as a person. Disagree with the facts.

In The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene’s number one rule is to never outshine the master, or “always make those above you feel comfortably superior.” Let the D Style think they hold the power, as you influence them to see things your way.

Tomorrow, we will discuss managing up to the more Social Boss, who has the “i” or Influencer DiSC® Style.


Manage up to a social boss


Manage up