I was made to feel

Image by Yan Krukau from Canva

I was made to feel

When you say something like, “You make me so angry,” what are you doing? 

You’re giving up control over you.

It’s more than allowing someone to knock you off center, getting the better of you, or losing your composure.

You’re giving up the one thing you can control in a conversation…your choice. 

Your choice is your only source of power, and when you’re reacting rather than responding, you’re not conscious. You’re asleep. 

When I hear someone say, “I was made to feel,” I know they’re helpless to help themselves.

True, the offending person may have been trying to put them down, but what happens when you let them?

I’m also not saying don’t be angry. Feel your feels, but use your emotions to choose better outcomes.  

Please don’t give away your personal power.


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