How do we build team trust?

In our communications workshops, we spend a lot of time building trust, the foundation of all successful teams. We don’t do trust falls or touchy-feely emotional outpourings. 

We get real.

Which means we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with each other. 

Patrick Lencioni said, “People who aren't afraid to admit the truth about themselves are not going to engage in the kind of political behavior that wastes everyone's time and energy.”

Why? Because trust is more than knowing how someone will react, it’s the ability to say “I made a mistake,” or “I need help” and knowing that it won’t be used against you.

How do you build vulnerability-based trust? Over time, sharing more and more about yourself. 

Sharing not just where you grew up, but a challenge you overcame during childhood

Sharing not just your first job, but your worst job. 

Sharing not just your professional accomplishments, but your mistakes and challenges.


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