Have a go-to feedback question

“Do you have any feedback for me?”

“Nope. Everything’s fine.”


Or do you just not know what I’m asking?

If you want a substantive response, with information about how you can improve, have a go-to feedback question.

Since there’s no right way to do this, you may want to have a few. Here are some examples, from Fierce Conversations, by Kim Scott:

  • In the past week, what’s something I could have done to make your job easier?

  • What’s something I’ve done in the past week that made it difficult to work with me?

  • How can I best support you right now?

  • I’m working on X but am not always aware of it in the moment. Can you point it out to me when you’re seeing it?

  • I feel like I could have done X better. Can you help me figure out what I could have done differently?

  • What’s a blind spot of mine that you’ve noticed?




So you’ve expressed yourself. Now what?