What to say when someone doesn’t show up for a meeting

No-shows are frustrating, but if you don’t say something to the other person, you’re signaling that it’s OK to treat you this way. You get what you tolerate.

The good news is there’s a low-stress way to say something, rather than stewing or accusing.


I waited on our 11:30 Zoom call but didn't see you join. I hope everything's OK and that you didn't have an emergency.

Having said that, I am confused and frustrated. Now, I am making up stories in my head that may have nothing to do with what's really going on...because you didn't communicate in advance that you wouldn’t make it.

If you're not going to be able to make a meeting, please let me know in advance.

This will help me use my time more productively, and I won't be left wondering if you're OK, if you don't care about my time, or making up stories about you that probably aren’t true.

Let's reschedule…

When you make it clear that you care about them and what’s going on for you, you can get better results than ignoring or accusing.


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